Editorial Board

Edmond Y. Chang headshotEditor-in-Chief
Edmond Y. Chang, PhD is an Associate Professor of English at Ohio University. His areas of research include technoculture, race/gender/sexuality, queer game studies, feminist media studies, popular culture, and 20/21C American literature, particularly speculative literatures of color and games of color.  Recent publications include “Queergaming” in Queer Game Studies, “Why are the Digital Humanities So Straight?” in Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities, and “Drawing the Oankali: Imagining Race, Gender, and the Posthuman in Octavia Butler’s Dawn” in Approaches to Teaching the Works of Octavia E. Butler.”  He is the creator of Tellings, a high fantasy tabletop RPG, and Archaea, a live-action role-playing game.  He is also a contributing editor for Gamers With Glasses.

IMG_1923Senior Editor
Aaron Trammell, PhD is an Associate Professor of Informatics at UC Irvine and former Editor-In-Chief of Analog Game Studies. He graduated from the Rutgers University School of Communication and Information in 2015 and spent a year at the Annenberg School of Communication at USC as a postdoctoral researcher. Aaron’s research is focused on revealing historical connections between games, play, and the United States military-industrial complex. He is interested in how political and social ideology is integrated in the practice of game design and how these perspectives are negotiated within the imaginations of players. In addition to his work at Analog Game Studies he is also the Multimedia Editor of Sounding Out!

Megan Condis headshotSenior Editor
Megan Condis, PhD is an assistant professor of Communication Studies at Texas Tech University.  Her book, Gaming Masculinity: Trolls, Fake Geeks, and the Gendered Battle for Online Culture was published by the University of Iowa Press in 2018.



facebook_1520214631367Senior Editor
Shelly Jones, PhD is a Professor of English at SUNY Delhi, where they teach classes in transmedia storytelling, mythology, and writing. Their research examines games through the lenses of intersectional feminism and disability studies. A Pushcart nominee and Best Microfiction finalist, their creative works have been published widely.

Senior Editor
Evan Torner, PhD is Associate Professor of German Studies and Film & Media Studies at the University of Cincinnati, where he also serves as Undergraduate Director of German Studies and the Director of the UC Game Lab. He is co-founder and an Editor of the journal Analog Game Studies. To date, he has published 9 co-edited volumes and special journal issues, as well as over 40 articles and book chapters in various venues. His fields of expertise include East German genre cinema, German film history, critical race theory,  science fiction. role-playing game studies, Nordic larp, cultural criticism, and second-language pedagogy.

Emma Leigh Waldron headshotEditor-at-Large
Emma Leigh Waldron, PhD is an Assistant Researcher in Internet Culture and a Lecturer in the Department of Informatics at UC Irvine. She received her PhD in Performance Studies with additional certification in Feminist Research & Theory and Critical Theory from UC Davis. She also holds a master’s degree in Performance Research from the University of Bristol. Her doctoral dissertation on mediated intimacy is currently under development as a monograph project entitled ASMR: Performance, Sensation, and the Future of Media. Emma was also one of the co-founders of the online journal, Analog Game Studies, where she continues to serve as Editor-at-Large.

Headshot of Angela Vanden Elzen
Angela M. Vanden Elzen, MLIS is the Reference & Learning Technologies Librarian and Associate Professor at Lawrence University where, in addition to providing reference instruction and running the campus makerspace, she teaches courses on games and gender, music, culture, and history. Angela’s publications have focused on games in libraries and intergenerational gameplay.

Editorial Intern
Luke Hernandez is Ph.D. student studying Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication at the University of Texas at Dallas. His research lies at the intersection of Critical Game Studies, Latinx Studies, and Queer Media Studies. His work focuses on how online marginalized communities thrive throughout games spaces. Luke is also an Aquarius.

Editorial Intern
Beatrix (Bea) Livesey-Stephens (she/her) is an MPhil candidate and researcher at Abertay University, where she studies player calibration in intimacy games and researches European gaming clusters. She received her MA (Hons) in Language & Linguistics from the University of Aberdeen. Her research interests lie at the intersections of linguistics, sex and relationship education, accessibility, and ethics, in which she attempts to map the limits of transformative play and ludic vulnerability. She is particularly interested in using frameworks informed by asexual embodiment to better understand player ethics both in and beyond the play space.

Previous Members of the Editorial Team:

Rosa van Opheusden headshotAssistant Editor
Rosa van Opheusden is a student at Utrecht University’s Gender Studies Research Master’s programme. Her research focuses on the operationalization of queerness in indie tabletop role-playing games. She also has a broad interest in postcolonial theory, critical disability studies, trans studies, new materialism, and critical posthumanism.

Isabelle Williams headshotAssistant Editor
Isabelle Williams is a Culture & Theory doctorate student at UC Irvine. She received her BA in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from UC Davis and her MA in Film and Media Studies from Chapman University. Her research repositions the blackface minstrel as a monster primarily using horror games.