GENeration Analog Travel FAQ

If this is your first time attending GenCon, you may find travel logistics daunting. This Travel FAQ is here to help you navigate your way so that you can have a successful con experience. 

We recommend reading this FAQ when submitting an abstract. 


When and Where: 

GENeration Analog will be held on the same day as Trade Day at GenCon in Indianapolis, Indiana on Wednesday, July 29th. 


How do I attend? 

In order to attend, participants will need a Trade Day badge. A Trade Day badge comes with a 4-Day badge to GenCon, which runs from Thursday, July 30 – Sunday, August 2. Accepted presenters will be provided with complimentary Trade Day badges. If your paper is accepted and you have already purchased your Trade Day badge, you will be reimbursed for the cost of your badge. 

 You can buy your Trade Day badge here!

If you have never attended the GenCon Trade Day before, once you purchase your Trade Day badge, you will receive an email asking you to provide some proof of your employment as an educator or librarian. 


Hotel Info:

Most of the hotels in the greater Indianapolis area will have holds on hotel rooms in order to accommodate the large number of GenCon attendees. If you try to contact a hotel directly to stay during GenCon, you will very likely be told they cannot book the room. Local hotels work closely with GenCon as participants, who have purchased a badge, are able to book their hotel room through the GenCon portal. The GenCon website provides more details on how to find and book a hotel room, once you have your badge. Please see this travel overview guide:   For more information on typical costs and the wide variety of hotel selection, please see here: 


Parking Info: There are several local parking garages nearby the Indianapolis Convention Center where you can park. Another good parking option is through Gate Ten Parking, which includes a shuttle service to the ICC. See their website for how to purchase a parking pass here: 


Additional Resources:

Basic GenCon Attendee FAQ

Info on Trade Day